Start with the basicsKaren shows us the basic stitch. How to wrap the yarn and to braid a cord.
Getting the tension just right for an even cord can be tricky, but comes with practice. Several sizes of cord or yarn can be used to braid your cord depending on the size you want it and what you are using the cord for. You can make a drawstring, cording for a necklace or even rope. The cord is actually stronger than a crocheted cord made from the same fiber. Once you master the basic stitch you can learn to make it without turning the Lucet for every stitch. You can also add beads and/or gimp cord to embellish your cord. |
Now it is our turn . . . . .
Hold the Lucet, hold your cord, turn to the left to wrap your cord, create a stitch, and repeat. Rotate to the left to wrap the cord, make a stitch and on and on. Keep it centered-Keep the tension even. OK-We can do this.
By the time we left we all felt pretty good about what we were doing. A bit of practice will help to get a more even tension
By the time we left we all felt pretty good about what we were doing. A bit of practice will help to get a more even tension
You can see Karen S. seems to have it down.
Thanks Karen. We all enjoyed this class and found that creating the cording is a rather relaxing thing to do
Just so you know, once you get started you won't want to stop
Today's show and tell
Mary S. has been busy. She always has new projects to show.
For more info about Lucet projects and supplies visit Stitch Diva